jimmy Blog intro

Hi my name is Jimmy and I am 12 years old, I am a year 8 student here at Pt England School. I am in Room 1 and my teacher is Mr Moran. I am Maori European and have 3 siblings. My favourite colour is blue and my favourite food is Pineapples. I enjoy playing fortnight on my PS5 and spending time with my family. Thank you for visiting my blog, please leave a comment. 

speak UP

In today’s lesson for literacy my group read the book Speak up, our task was to complete page 12 and remake the image of the animals climbing on top of each other to match the giraffe’s height.


Statement –
A Caterpillar is hatched on a leaf which is then flipped upside down and rolls into a rollie pollie.

Explain –
Because a caterpillar stops eating and is hanging from a leaf it spins itself around into rollie pollie and makes its way into a warm cosy sunflower which then it transforms into a green big butterfly.

Example –
A caterpillar is produced by a tiny ant and is left on a leaf ready for it to transform into a butterfly.


Today we learnt about different types of Polygons and their shapes. I was given the task to complete 4 shapes of my own and listed how many sides and corners they have.